Dantons Tod via
Wikiquote (
Findagains Wake, indeed):
"Die Revolution ist wie Saturn, sie frißt ihre eignen Kinder." - Dantons Tod, 1. Akt, 5. Szene / Danton. Der diesem Zitat zugrunde liegende Ausspruch stammt von Pierre Vergniaud
"The revolution is like Saturn, it devours its own children." But reading this quote, we must remember what actually happened to Saturn – or Kronos (Cronus), a name with the famous assonance with Chronos – and his children. They did not stay too long in his stomach. What revolves tends to return (see
my post right below – the previous or the next one, depending on whether you look at it from a weblog writer's or a reader's perspective).
... and he vomited up first the stone which he had swallowed last. (Hesiod, Theogony 453, trans. Evelyn-White)
Just imagine the pyrosis. The heartburn when you have a heart of stone.
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