Wednesday, 23 January 2013

Against segregationist relativism

A multivalent, multicultural society should not be structured like a honeycomb whose cells are isolated one against the other, so that none of the individual or group-related values gets challenged, but a society with a multitude of values that are subject to debate and exchange, a multitude of cultures that are exposed to the influence of each other, a society that is subjected to nothing else than the radical idea of a “democracy to come”.

Muqarnas are stalactite or honeycomb ornament that adorn cupolas or corbels of a building

"Muqarnas are stalactite or honeycomb ornament that adorn cupolas or corbels of a building." A Year in Fez — The photo was found through an image search with the terms arabesque honeycomb commons

Thursday, 17 January 2013

Note to self: might dig into this some day

"... l'amitié, elle aussi, tend à devenir totalitaire." (Jean-Paul Sartre)

This tendency towards a "totalitarianism" or totalisation, even in questions of friendship, is something I don't quite approve of in Sartre. I don't think he's joking in his rather brutal reply to Camus.